I'm in the corner of anyone who's tired of mediocrity in their lives; tired of the same ole same ole; tired of just getting by at a job they despise. I say, Amen. Go get what you want. I have the privilege of helping people do that.

With or without my help, though, people do it. You may not think of that corner deli you go to as a business per se, but from the pizza shop to the nail salon to the key maker, everyday people are starting and maintaining businesses all the time. Some succeed, some fail. Some just kinda … never change, always there, like that one place you know that's been there forever. All sizes for all people.

I say if you're gonna do it, really do it. Save yourself some pain and hassle by knowing exactly what level you want to be playing at. Take this case for example.

I had a student who lost a big customer and whose company subsequently took big losses. Despite that, he was still profitable, but all that profit went into paying his old suppliers. Eventually, he got to a point where he couldn't even pay his personal bills.

So what did he do?

The first lesson from that story is you can't have your entire business depend on one customer. It's just crazy to do that. Secondly, he was playing small. If you're so tight that your business is profitable, and you still can't pay yourself, the whole thing is too small for you.

There are four key arenas in the area of value and profitability:

1) Apply–Get yourself out there.
2) Demand–The problem you're going to solve.
3) Quality–How well or differently you solve that problem.
4) Quantity–How much you can duplicate the process.

How much of what you offer are you getting out of there? How are you doing it? How many clients are you helping solve this problem for?

If you have five clients now, you need to have 50 clients. I already know what a lot of people will immediately think: “I can't handle 50 clients.” Fine, understandable, we're only human. If you can't handle 50 clients, then you need to leverage other resources because regardless of what you think you can or can't do, you need 50 clients if you want to play bigger and not get stuck in a cycle of boom or bust.

If you have 50, then you need to have 250. There shouldn't even be a question of whether or not your personal bills are getting paid, let alone stacking profit for yourself. If your profits are so low you can barely pay yourself, that's not even earning a living.

Leverage yourself and be able to help 10 times the number of people or companies that you're helping right now. That will give you 10 times the income.

No questions asked. Double the amount of customers you have in the next 90 days, whatever it is you do “for a living.” When you can figure out how to do that, you'll be able to double that again in the next 180 days.

Create a system that works, then duplicate that system. Step on the gas. How will you apply your answer to a problem that a lot of people have? How would you market and sell this, generating enough demand to increase your profit beyond “getting by?” How will you duplicate your sales while not sacrificing the quality of it?

Some businesses get by, some people get by. Some don't. Some crush it. Which of these do you want?

Again, whatever that answer is, that's okay. To each their own. But, anybody who's “gotten by” before knows exactly what that means: stress, anxiety, worry. How do you be creative and imaginative, or happy, when you're constantly in that state?

“Getting by” is, quite frankly, bad for your health. I say “Get Buy,” as in get more people to buy from you because you're solving a problem. Get cash to spare. There's nothing greedy about ensuring the future success of your business and the livelihood of you and your loved ones.

Don't short yourself or them: think big!

This answer came from my private Tough Love Mentoring Call.

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For Your Freedom,

In most people’s minds, work means getting a “job. ” The thing is I get comments from people all the time who complain about their jobs, or really just frickin’ hate their job, or are looking for a better one, or a job that actually allows them to use the skills and passions they want to use, etc.

It’s like, “I’m sorry, did you confuse me for a recruiter?” I’m not the guy to give advice on how to find a better job. I’m the guy that’s gonna tell you to stop trying to earn a living!

If you keep trying to earn a living, that’s exactly what you’re going to get! You’ll earn a minimum standard and you’ll never get rich. You’ll never get wealthy.

What are you waiting for … “to attract your dream job”? That’s so … 90’s and 2000’s, folks. Get with it! Don’t “attract” your dream job … frickin’ create it!!! What are you looking for here? Jeez!

Look, in a climate where you could get yourself into some trouble for telling things like it is, some of this stuff may hit close to home, and that’s okay. I’m not here to judge or belittle anyone, especially when this stuff is so common, where lots of folks are just scraping by to “earn a living.” You’re reading this because you want more, because you’ve got something in you that wants to play bigger.

So play big, and it doesn’t frickin’ matter what it is you do. If you’re a trainer, train! For goodness sake, you don’t need a job for that! You need to have your own business. Your own business could be a contractor for a company if you want, but if you’re a trainer, you don’t need to work for somebody else.

How do you know what to train and what your message is? It’s simple:

(1)How can you best help people and solve problems? Come from what they want and what you could help them with.

(2)Wants versus needs. Does everyone need disaster preparedness? Yes, for sure. Do they want it? No. Nobody cares until something happens. If you want to make money once every decade when disaster hits, fine. Other than that, that’s not what they want to be focusing on. Think about what they want, not just what you want them to have.

Get specific on a specific problem that you can help people with now. Stop beating around the bush. Go for something that’s in demand, not just stuff that you know.

Stop piddling around with petty cash, everybody. Play bigger. Think bigger. Find people with an audience. Get on stages that have 300, 500 or 1,000 people. Get on those stages. How? Put together a program or a talk. Make sure it’s different. Start with having one thing that really helps people.

If you’ve got information, a talk, a seminar, a workshop or just a methodology that can help somebody, put it out there in an organized format. Get in front of a lot of people, teach what you need to teach, tell what you’ve got, and then have them get a hold of you.

How do you think I would feel if I walked into a room where there were five or six participants? Not so great. I’d still do the same event, but I’d think to myself, “What the hell is wrong here? I don’t want five. I want 500. I don’t want 500. I want 5,000.”

You don’t have to wait to get to that point, either. Whatever you got going now, you should be able to do one thing to double your clients in one week. Get on media. Get in a magazine. Write a frickin’ article. Do something that exposes you.

Play bigger and don’t wait!

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Comment below with the major problem you’re solving for people and one action to take to get more clients next week.

For Your Freedom,

What motivates us? Either pain or pleasure, they say.

Let me tell you what motivates us even deeper than that: purpose; a sense of fulfillment, of pride that what we do really helps people and is making a difference for people in their lives.

When someone else is counting on us–if you’ve ever noticed–we tend to get the job done, and we get a lot of satisfaction out of it. When it’s only ourselves that we need to deal with or us against our minds, it’s a tough slog.

What’s your purpose in life? How can you really help people?

I’m best suited to help people with inspiration, motivation and information, especially when it comes to money, business and happiness. Do you think I always knew that? Kind of, but I never could do it. Why? Because I felt if I stood up and talked in front a group of people, they might think I'm stupid.

However, once I stopped focusing on me, thinking, “Do I know enough? Will it work? Will I make enough money? Will they like me?” I just started naturally helping people with what I could help them with.

I started by getting eight people at my house on the couch one night and taught them. I even gave them a free lunch so they would SHOW UP.

They really enjoyed it, (not the lunch)…. my training and started telling other people. Pretty soon, word got out and I was off to the races. It was as simple as that.

I wasn’t finding that my profession was fixing phones, making lipstick or makeup, or finding a cure for digestive issues. That’s not who I was. From the time I was young, I would always give people advice and consult people on their problems.

So what’s your purpose here? Why were you put you on Earth? The answer to that question is simple. “How could I best help people? More specifically How could I best help just one person?”

Once you figure this out, then you can get RICH and here’s how:

1. Create a System. Identify the problem you know you can help people with. Go ahead and help just one person. Create a process to do this and then duplicate it.

2. Duplicate it. Look at my business as an example. I have information that I share. I write it and I create a system around it. Those are the companies that I own. I created a system called the Life Makeover. I have coaches that coach that system. I like teaching so I want to stay involved once a month and help out as well as I can.

Other than that, I have seven other trainers. I only teach about 3% of all the courses. There’s a course happening somewhere every weekend somewhere in the world. I don’t even know where they are. I don’t have a clue, but I still make $20,000, $50,000 or $100,000 a weekend from the courses.

It’s called a system. It’s called duplication. If I can do it, you can do it.

Look for a problem people have that you can solve. Look for just one problem, not two. Create a way to solve that problem with you at first. Solve that problem for one person. Get good at solving the problem, add a few more people, and then create a system that takes you out of having to be there to solve the problem.

When the system can solve the problem via technology or other people that work instead of you, then duplicate that system and help a lot more people. Go from helping 100 people a day to 1,000 people a day. The end result is that you’re rich because money is a result.

A lot of money is a result of helping a lot of people.

I just told you how to get rich: there’s no other way. If you want to make money, then help a person. If you want to make a lot of money, then help a lot of people. Don’t complicate it.

Are you ready to start living your ultimate life?

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Comment below and tell us the one problem you can solve. Let’s help each other create systems and duplicate them.

For Your Freedom,

After you've been through a weekend or several-day workshop, there's something that happens for the next few weeks, or maybe longer. You're on a kind of high, having been immersed in an environment that was supportive of your goals. It's understandable that when you get back, your loved ones might look at you like, “Who's this?!?”

How do you cope with family and friends that you love that aren’t on the same journey as you? You're functioning at a different level that maybe some or most of the people around you don’t get anymore. You want them with you, but here's the trap … it’s easier not to grow and hope that you will do enough for everybody.

Don't be an unnecessary martyr. I nor anyone can tell you whether or not the people you care about the most are on the same journey as you. Only you know that. Just because people live together or are in the same family, though, does not mean they’re on the same journey, nor does it mean they need to be on the same journey. They’re on a train based on their life, their karma, their programming and their purpose.

You’ve got to get to the top yourself first. Then if anybody wants to switch trains and journeys on their own accord, you can be the model. If you try to do enough for all, you’re just going to get tired.

You may think, “Harv, I understand all of that, but what do I do? I love these people. I want them with me but they don’t get me anymore.” That’s life. I get it.

Here’s what you do:

1. Be with someone when you’re with them and not when you’re not with them. If one of these people is your husband or your mother, and you find that you have to be with them all of the time, you don’t have to be with them all of the time. Respect where they’re at and simply allow them to respect where you’re at. Don’t put them down for where they’re at. Don’t look for accolades. Don’t judge anything. This is their life at this point in time. It might change one day. You do what you need to do. Someone stopping you from doing what you need to do is a whole other question.

2. It's not about them, it's about you. People come up to me all of the time and say, “How do I get my wife to come? How do I get my husband to go?” I say, “If you have to get them to go, you’re in deep doo-doo, my friend.” You don’t get them to go. You hopefully ask them to go.

How? I've probably given this advice to thousands of people. I have probably had at least 1,000 come back to me and say, “When I asked them to come for me, they came.” I had at least that many people that said, “Originally when I asked them to come, because it’s going to be good for them, they wouldn’t come.”

The fact is that, wholehearted, we are all one, but in reality we’re not one. You’re separate people. People say, “Everyone’s got to be like me and I have to be like them. Otherwise, we can’t get along.” Wrong. Try it again.

Try this out, draw two circles, but overlap the circles so that there are three sections. There is a big section of you, a big section of them and a nice big section of you together.

This means I have a life, you have a life and we have a life. When we are together for the amount of time we’re together, we decide we are together, we commit to being together and we are being one. When we are not together, we are not. You have a life, I have a life, and we have a life.

It’s not about them. It’s about you. If you ask them to come to a seminar for you, it’s the truth. “Come for me. I want us to know the same things. I want us to be on the same wavelength so I can talk with you about this kind of stuff.”

Never try to pull someone up a rock or ladder who doesn’t want to be pulled up, because they’re going to do everything they can to pull you down.

This lesson came from a question in my Tough Love Mentoring Program.

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For Your Freedom,