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The Secret to Your Success in 2014

As 2014 has swiftly arrived, we are brought to that time of the season when most of us take to planning and plotting the next 12 months of our lives. If you’re already considering your to-do lists and new years resolutions, then you’re on the right track, but you’ll need to be careful in making your plans in order to be sure that you’re able to use them to your advantage!

Set Goals

The first rule of making progress in anything you do is setting goals, allowing yourself to always have a finish line in sight. This provides a boost in motivation during those moments when slogging forward seems impossible, giving you something tangible to work towards at every moment.

Whether you’re planning positive changes to your work or personal life, take note of the things that you want to achieve by the end of the year, and what you’ll need to do in order to get there. With these goals firmly in heart and mind, you’ll have just what you need to propel you in the right direction.

But wait…

Set Reasonable Goals

Goals are great, but what if those goals are only barely achievable? Like a high-risk gambler, you stand to gain the most when you meet sky-high expectations, but your chances of any success at all are well below par.

In order to limit your risk of perceived failure, be sure not to aim too high when setting your goals. Take the time to consider your history and your present circumstances, planning to hit milestones that are within reach instead of shooting for the stars and coming up short.

That’s not to say that you’ll never reach the stars, mind you – only that you’ll need to get to them in incremental steps.

Set Reasonable, Incremental Goals

Alright, you’ve got goals set that are useful, reachable, and will serve to take your endeavors to the next level throughout 2014. With the whole year plotted out ahead of you, it may seem that you’re ready to close the books on another successful year planned and get started with the heavy lifting.

 Not so fast.

You may feel particularly pumped up about achieving your goals now, but what about that inevitable day when inspiration is lacking and your goals seem further away than they did the day before? Whether it’s a day, a week, or a month away, that time will come, and you’ve got to narrow your plans even further if you want to get yourself on the right track without fear of hitting a serious bump.

Overarching goals are a necessary thing when you’re taking in the big picture, but life isn’t a big picture; on the contrary, life happens minute by minute, and that means that you’ll also need a more focused view. In order to achieve maximum momentum and build the kind of habits that lead to long-term success, be sure to set incremental goals that take you from point to point towards the place you visualize yourself being at the end of 2014.

No matter what your goals are and what aspect of your life they apply to, good planning and hard work will get you there – good luck!

What are your plans to make 2014 the most successful year of your life? Let us know in the comments below the specific routes you’ll be taking towards improved finances, better health, stronger relationships, and increased happiness, helping others to follow in your footsteps!


Happy New Year!

For Your Freedom,



Join the Discussion Below

103 thoughts on “The Secret to Your Success in 2014”

  1. Solomon. says:

    I just finished reading the secrets of the millionaire’s mind and am applying the rules and it is working for me.thanks to mr.harv.

    1. T. Harv Eker says:

      You are MOST welcome!

    2. Garyuk says:

      I, like many people, have just read secret of the millionaire’s mind and applying the rules. Already through controlling my money and income in different accounts, having the declaration hung openly on the wall and confirming my goals and intentions to others I feel the difference in my attitudes to money, it’s effects on my attitudes and the positive impact on the health love and happiness within my home. Thank you ! Also if anyone in the uk wishes to connect with me then please feel free

  2. Penny Jones says:

    Thank you for continuing to reinforce the things I need to focus on. I have made written goals for myself and will continue to follow them.I will correct or change them as I grow and work thru the year. I have the last video in the 3 Day Life Makeover to watch and will continue to follow for implementation into my business and life plan this year.It works!!

  3. Nguyen says:

    Happy New Year 2014 Harv! Thanks for this lesson. Goal setting comes in the right time for New Year’s Resolution. Great timing! 🙂

  4. donald reed says:

    tweaking my investments
    upgrading my business
    more passive income sources

  5. Linda says:

    I am 39 and have been waiting for the ideal relationship to start my ideal family. For some reason I always got together with toxic men and ignored the nice guys.
    I decided this yera to work on this issue and find the righ guy. Or if I have to face after a while that I dont manage to change my beliefs / subconscious patterns etc. then I will get pregnant from a man I choose and become a single mum by choice.

    1. Montice says:

      Linda, I would like to recommend two books for you- “How To Spot A Dangerous Man” and “Women Who Love Psychopaths” both written by Sandra L. Brown. These books helped me tremendously to learn the why and how to stop doing it.

  6. amanda says:

    To continue my daily Wealth Conditioning Program (Im on day 95) Non negotiable
    Double my turnover
    To source a Financial Adviser with similar values
    Renting my property (Passive Income)
    Quality time with my grand children (doing a craft together)
    Finding the love of my life – similar values (Health, wealth, wisdom) continues learning/exploring
    Training staff weekly – creating excitement and love for learning
    Community involvement – volunteer program, vegetable gardens
    Closure of Street project completed
    Starting yoga once a week
    Visit Vietnam & Cambodia
    Daily Gratitude / Meditation twice a day

    1. Nadia says:

      Hello Amanda
      What is the Daily wealth conditioning program? Is the millionaire mind book?

      1. Garrett says:

        Nadia – the 90 Day Wealth Conditioning Guide is given to participants of the Millionaire Mind Intensive.

        I highly recommend going to one. It’s a life-changing seminar. Very profound.

    2. Van Tran says:

      Hi Amanda.

      I live in Viet Nam and welcome you with your trip.

  7. Keith Fiala says:

    Happy New Year Harv! My biggest goal for this year is to move from Austin, TX to Los Angeles, CA and finally propel my solo career into a reality! The move will put me closer to my mentors, as well as put me in my dream location.

    I am starting by working on my inner blockages… both musical and wealth and abundance. So – working from within.

    I’m continuing to take trips to see my mentors, ask questions, and hone my craft.

    Thanks for all you do!

  8. Max says:

    2014 will be the year where I begin making more of an income off of one of my desired careers, get a regular passive income, do much better in my martial art and spend more time with my grandmother.

  9. Ayers Baxter says:

    Thanks. Many times I over work myself and thus I am unable to sleep as I toss and turn in my bed all night thinking about what I haven’t accomplished and grumbling about all the mistakes I made the previous day. That strategy of overworking myself hasn’t worked. This year I plan to work until I tire and then stop, have a nice meal, visit with a friend, and get some rest. I am also planning to give myself reasonable goals. Goals I am sure to succeed, rather than goals that are impossible to reach. One step at a time this year. That is my plan. With this strategy I feel I will be able to reach my high aspirations without killing myself.

  10. Hiram says:

    Repetition is the mother of learning. Thank you for reminding us to set goals. Also thank you for clarifying the smaller steps required to achieving great goals. Many of us set goals and stop because of overwhelm of the project. By following your advice we will be able to move forward and in the end have many more achievements.

  11. Ross McCay says:

    Great stuff Mr. Eker!

    To answer your question at the bottom, I launched my blog 2 weeks ago to help others achieve peak performance in their lives. My main goal for this year is to continue to expand my readership with it and help as many people as possible by putting out very worth while content on a consistent basis. Anyone who is a T. Harv Eker fan should check it out!

  12. betty qi says:

    I read it, I learned. I think that we can walk, run, or jump, we also can fly if we can find the right tool, all depend on what kind of chances you can find it. we need to study insistently, open our mind to find the chances, when the time is ready, we can be successful

  13. Gloria says:

    Thanks for saying to set your goals in your heart and mind. This is my primary difference this year with goal planning. I am also incorporating a vision board. Thanks for your timely newsletter.

  14. tshepo mohapi says:

    Good lesson one again Harv,my resolution for this year is to focus on my health and creating wealth.I plan on working out twice a day and to gain more knowledge about trading,going to seminars as well.happy new year

  15. 2014 goals. Continue and expand my vision and mantra of I’M HEALTHY,I’M WEALTHY,I’M GRATEFUL AND I’M LOVED. In each category I am expanding
    HEALTH-Continue to not smoke,continue exercising
    WEALTH-start 5th passive income. ATM machine
    GRATITUDE-give thanks everyday-usually when I awaken and before sleep.
    LOVE-from my children,mother,family,friends and girlfriend
    I took the MMI 4 years ago and just closed on my first duplex. It has literally transformed my financial life from a networth of 15k to 280k in 4 years. The two most important things were to change my mind game and manage my money.thnx Harv! one step at a time. increments YES!

    1. Silver says:

      Nice work Chris! I’ll be looking for a similar increase on my net worth this year through property investing. All the best with your goals

    2. Lou says:

      very grateful Chris for sharing your 5th passive income stream … was wondering what were the other four? I am very interested in learning more about what’s working for others … for myself … and to share!!!!
      love your transparency :))

  16. Melissa says:

    Ciao Grazie Grazie HARV!
    sei un grandeee, utili e precisi consigli.
    grazie ancora! a presto.!

  17. Adan says:

    Feliz Año 2014 Que logren sus metas.
    y gracias por compartir sus conocimientos para aprender como ser mejor y obtener éxito.

  18. Adan says:

    Gracias por compartir sus conocimientos y feliz año 2014

  19. nazri says:

    I set my goals to get better financially last year and now my goals achieve after i went to mmi seminar, this year my goals will be achieving financial freedom..i set my step by step towards this goal and with faith and personal development, this year gonna be the gratefull year in my life..thanks to t.harv eker to open up my self to reach my goal..i always belief miracles happen..thanks universe

  20. jeff says:

    Ross McKay,
    Whats your website ?

  21. Patricia says:

    Happy 2014 to everyone!!!!!!!!
    Winter has been a great time for planning the spring garden and gathering all the seeds to start blooming a fabulous 2014. Planning retirement steps for living in Costa Rica and will be looking for real estate in 2014. May do a house swap between Oregon and Arizona which will lead to renovations on that house. May finish professional photography program and will get pictures in Costa Rica. Will start Legal Nurse Consulting business, baby steps by getting the certification then will do chart reviews over internet part time in Costa Rica. This all required winter planning and design. The plan takes off in March. The investments are paying off and being re-invested.

  22. Patricia says:

    So far, I’m managing to juggle the 3 scopes of ice cream on one cone but it is tricky and takes some practice. You can’t be fearful to add that 3rd scope even when the ones underneath are melting a little.

    1. Lou says:

      love this!!!!!!!

  23. Silver says:

    As usual at this time of year i have MASSIVE goals!

    After reading this my first goal is not to set myself up for failure and make sure i am much more realistic by setting smaller achievable goals that will spur me onto success.

    I will be using my time much more wisely and focussing on the areas that inspire my growth, wealth, fulfillment and results.

    The 2 most important words for me in 2014 are Courage & Fun!

    Wishing everyone great success and clarity 🙂

  24. Hi Harv, my overall goal for 2014 passes through various essential aspects (amount actually attainable, be happy on the way to make other people also get, create and promote new line of passive income) and essential aspects of caring the story I want in my life. Harv Thanks for giving me the most important advice in my life! From a friend to a friend “never forget to be happy”

  25. MGA Brown says:

    Thanks for this post Harv, Goals are the key to achieving greater success. Indeed you are correct setting SMART goals are the way forward.

    I will be setting goals to allow many people to benefit from my research on the benefits of gratitude. Indeed gratitude is one of the keys to living a fuller more happy life.

    When we show gratitude for the things currently in our life we are able to feel much better and think more rewarding thoughts. I have shared some of these key thoughts here.

    https://yoursuccess2.wordpress.com/gratitude/ enjoy and be blessed for 2014.

    MGA Brown
    “The Art of Gratitude”

  26. Awesome! Mr Harv and Big up for the secret to your success in 2014.That’s why it’s so important to make commitments every year that we can predictably achieve. Setting goals alone it’s not enough,however with the assistance of Life makeover coaching, I can guarantee a massive success.

  27. Ana Voicu says:

    I’ll go in another country, I will move to England, I want to find a better job and a better future, I want to have more money and learn to manage them. I decided to do it in 2014.

  28. Jimy says:

    Dear Harv

    I spent a lot of time setting “achieving goals theory”. What I noticed is next:
    Let`s set goal reality measurement system.
    We have a scale from 1 to 10.
    1 is very possible, 10 is almost unreal (like lottery win for example)
    5 would be something what most people would call real and reasonable.

    So your advice is to set some goals with mark 5 (for example)

    But I think that we always achieve just a little less than set goal.
    So, if we set some goal of 5 quontity (scale mark), we probably will achieve it in 4 quontity.
    If we set some goal of 3 quontity, we probably will achieve it in 2 quontity.
    But, I claim, if we set some goal of 7 quontity, and we REALLY BELIVE that we will achieve it, we probably will achieve it in 6 quontity, no matter how unreal it sounds now.

    It is very not defined theory, because I can`t claim it for more than 7, but I hope you will understand idea.

    Sellers says that the best sellers are unreal optimists. 🙂

    Regards 😀

  29. Salli says:

    I attended you MMI seminar in October 2013 and since I have changed my intentions and have started to set goals, manage my finances and not only want but have committed to creating wealth. In 2013 I started to change the roots and now in 2014 it is going to change the fruits thank you Harv for the information. Step by Step, it is so exciting

  30. Mario Anessa says:

    I just finished reading your book, i´m rereading and taking notes + puting into practise. Thank you very much your book openned a new chapter in my life. My Goals for 2014. To Buy 3 pieces of land and to get my driver´s lecense.

  31. Joanna says:

    Harv, thanks a lot. I didn’t know yet my life goals, but a feel very deeply in my heart than 2014 will be change maker year. I belief than the universe support me in everything what I think.

  32. Aaron Parker says:

    Hi Harv. Happy New Year. My goals for 2014 are most definitely to take the incremental approach (I just wrote a blog post about that very thing funnily enough). Within that framework I am setting definite income goals (and where it will come from) to ensure I remain on track on a daily/weekly/monthly basis. On a separate note, your “Net Worth Tracking Sheet” now shows I created $45,000 in “net worth” in 2013. That one piece of paper is my guiding light. Thanks for creating it.

  33. Grażyna says:

    Hi Harv,I thank you that you are, I thank you for training OL, I hope to meet you at the Enlightened Warrior in May in Spain. My goal for 2014 is to learn English, to introduce regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle, increase my earnings (income) of 30%. I greet you with all my heart Grazyna

    1. Nadia says:

      Hello grazyna
      It’s very interesting to learn and explore in life. I have seen that having a healthy life style is one of you goals for 2014 .What is your action plan yo stay healthy this year?
      Best regards
      Nadia Abdul reda
      Healthy Weight Loss LLC

  34. My declarations for 2014 are 250 loyal members. Extend my offer to a video course and two e-books. Entrance to the stock exchange market and earn 2000,- for the beginning. Recommend 10 strong business partners for MLM. Slimm 10 kilograms in the gym. Be a good, loving and patient partner for my partner.

    1. Marla says:

      How are your goals going Adam? I hope well. I also set a weight loss goal for 2014 (to lose 36lbs) and I am on track, weighing 12lbs less than I did Dec 31st 2013 with Dr Joel Fuhrman’s Eat to Live programme.
      Good luck with your resolutions.

  35. woman says:

    effortlessly appreciate your website however you ought to check the punctuational in a few of your content. Several of options are rife along with spelling challenges so i believe it is very frustrating to share with reality on the flip side I most certainly will undoubtedly give back once more.

  36. Dalene Supra says:

    My goal was to summit Kilimanjaro 1/1/2014 and I did it on 6:25. Now I have to set a new goal for the rest of the year!

  37. Great advice. Incremental improvement will get you there in the end. Tony Robbins says make a 1% improvement in yourself every day and you will achieve far more than 365% improvement (remember compounding occurs).

    I have my stretch objectives and my “normal” objectives set. Now all I have to do is take a small step towards them both every day and I will get there.

  38. prochos says:

    I want to be the best known blogger in my country . I have a dream about 15 thousand uniq visitors per month on my site. Keep your fingers 🙂

  39. Phany Hourn says:

    Great thanks for your advice as always. This 2014 is going to be my best year. My sales team and I aim to produce $1M in sales commission. We’ll do that!

  40. Ruth says:

    Change Or Remain Employed. Daily, I will fill my mind with audios and books that will motivate me and keep me on track. I will allow only people with the results that I want to speak into my life.

  41. Papatta Chandaket says:

    I am new QL student and just attend Mission to Millionaire in Singapore. Now I decided to crate new biz line concerning training online started in my country (Thailand) then diversify into Asean. Now we on the step of Website creating which plan to finish within this month. One thing really need your advisory is WHAT IS THE POPULAR/GOOD SOFTWARE USING FOR TRAINING ONLINE AND EMAIL MARKETING . I try to evaluate many software but not so sure which one should be applied. Thank you in advance for your kind advice in this matter. Papatta C.

  42. Davies says:

    hi, how can i leave a debt free life?

  43. Siyanda Duma says:

    Thank you very much with all the advices Mr Eker, I am starting a year on a very high note as i am reading “Secrets of a Millionaire Mind” I am on the first chapter the I have already gained a lot, and I see this will help in growing the team in my business. By growing the team I will be making more money into my bank account

    1. Also Think and Grow Rich Napoleon Hill Foundation

  44. There are plenty of spare moments that can compound to my goal as I act promptly in those moments. I have a phenomenal opportunity to share. I am going to be a watchdog for those opportunities to connect, and BE the initiator.I have definiteness of purpose like naver before, and it is now driving me from the inner motor within.

  45. Muya says:

    my resolution of the year is do all that pertains to my PASSION engaging enablers to achieve my goal.

  46. Jennifer says:

    Took out my retirement account to manage myself using your programs.
    Looking forward to learning from the best.
    Expecting only good results,
    Doing the Silva Method to improve my abilities.
    Appreciating the vast amount of great information available to me as I undertake this wonderful transition to becoming financially free.
    THANK YOU, Harv!

  47. Rita says:

    My financial thermostat, I realised during 2013, is set at my Father’s demanding rules from the time I was 13 “go out and earn your keep”. And that is pretty well where I have been at for most of my life. Just enough! My ex-husband had been given pretty similar advice my his Father, who even considered a Mortgage to be Debt, so was furious when we decided to buy a house and get into his idea of Debt. With him branded the breadwinner, it was the household joke that I earned the money for the jam.

    This is the year I intend to break free of that limiting money mindset. I know it is ridiculous, and had no idea until recently that this was my Thermostat.

    This is also the year I restructure my very part-time business to allow myself some visibility and the success that I wish to have.

    I will continue to grow my knowledge and overcome my ‘fear’ of money.

    I’d also like to travel. to write a book, and to meet a new man to share my life and dreams with. It’s OK, I’ve been divorced for more than 20 years!

  48. Vladan says:

    Thank You Harv. Goals are everything but more importantly proactively shaping our own destinies. Purpose, determination, discipline and execution bring success closer. And goals, are measurements and milestones on that journey. Thank you and all the best in 2014. We may see each other this year.

  49. We’re a group of volunteers and starting a brand new scheme in our community. Your site offered us with useful info to paintings on. You’ve performed an impressive process and our whole community will be thankful to you.

  50. Martina says:

    Thank you harv!you totally change my life!
    I’m 22 years old and my goals for this year is to work and earn with network marketing,and improve myself attending all your courses with the quantum leap:)

    I want to arrive at the end of this year feeling realise and happy,proud of myself,live and travel around the world and at the same time be able to help other people in a really different way.
    Thank you!i hope to met you one day and say “thank you” by face!!

  51. Neema says:

    Thanks Harv for your brilliant advice. As for me, I started this year by evaluating my self on my strenght and weakness and on how to take my weaknesses as my challenges and improve them. As I only fulfilled one goal last year out of 6 goals, I have come up with different strategies to fulfill the remaining goals this year. So my goals have remained the same with additional to 3more goals. To my surprise, this plan has worked so far as I have fulfilled one goal in 15days of January by opening up my lawfirm and getting more opportunities for my company specialized in Mining and Real Estate Solutions in Tanzania.

    Hence, I strongly believe this is my year of multiplication. So I urge people to set goals and come up with strategic plans in order to focus on achieving them. Just remember, goals without plans are like waiting for a boat at the airport!

  52. Shawn Fletcher says:

    Thank you Harv, you’re lessons are always inspirational. I am looking to make 2014 the start of the best years of my life. I’m aiming to make 7 figures this year!! Take care, and Happy New Year!!

  53. lea says:

    Financial freedom is my goal for 2014. I am going to increase my passive income dramatically. I am going to have a rental apartment building in 2014. I will put this goal firmly in my heart and mind. Thanks for your advise and happy 2014!

  54. Greg Standen says:

    MMI best thing i have ever done and 90 day challenge have been life changing.

  55. Greg Standen says:

    Growing my business this year with monthly breakfasts and a web portal of finance, legal and marketing info.

  56. ALINE says:

    My goals are to get a job and my driver’s license in 2014, and no, I am not 16 lol I am 25 and I am an immigrant and I moved to US a year ago and I can’t drive yet 🙁

  57. Sam Raymond says:

    Keep your mind fixed on what you want in life, not on what you don’t want.

    We have just begun to explore the inner workings of the mind, but we have long been aware of the effects of our thoughts. When you focus on not missing the target instead of on hitting the bull’s-eye, the results are often disastrous, for it is impossible to think negative thoughts in a positive way.

    Ask any golfer who has tried not to miss a putt or a bowler who has struggled not to miss a strike. Make sure your goals are specific and precise. “Making a lot of money” or “earning regular promotions” are wishes, not goals.

    State exactly how much money you expect to earn and when, and the specific promotion you want, how you plan to earn it, and when you expect to do so.

    As Carlson Companies chairman Curt Carlson once noted, “Obstacles are those frightening things you see when you take your eye off the target.”

  58. Paul says:

    Thanks Harv, my goal is to loose 100 lbs. increase my income 50%, decrease my overhead by 10%. Put into practice qigong, meditation, seeding, visualization. Revisit all of my Quantum Leap workbooks and notes! and last but not least get out of my head and into my heart. Correct and continue as I move from where I am to where I want to be.

  59. Lou says:

    Thanks Harv!!!!!
    I love the work you do … I’ve been so inspired and remind myself everyday of something … you said … or others you put in front of me said … and my goals are to live each day giving the best of me … 100%,
    complete the 30 day yoga challenge and find a life mate who i can love and adore with my heart and soul. I’d like to learn about passive income streams that are currently working for others and are easy to replicate … kind of like a TOP 10 LIST …

  60. Penny Jones says:

    Thank you Harv for your great Tough Love Coaching call and all your wonderful insights to help us move ahead in 2014.I am looking at the big picture, but setting small steps with my weekly coaching group. Soooo helpful. This year is already GREAT!

  61. Poudjom Yannick says:

    Thanks for the reminder, it makes to thing twice and event though we have already set goals to reconsider those as well as unconsciously visualize them and by so doing joining the top 1% who reread their goal daily.

    Please Mr Eker, my first motivation to join your newsletter were to find business wisdom especially insight on different types of leverage but it has almost 11 month but now I have joint since the day I read Speed Wealth but till I have not receive even on post on business or leverage. it is just the same stuff you can find in every web page online.

    Thanks for your comprehension!

  62. Paulson Cuong says:

    Thanks Harv, My goals in 2014 is have more income from trading the Stock with 3% per month and from my business that increase 20% present income. And also read 2 business/marketing/personal develop books per month. Must make sure exercise every day and get driver’s license

  63. Hi, Im a brazilian actor and I just finished reading “the secrets of a millionaire” and I’m so inspired, not only in the financial meaning but in my professional carreer. I believe and relate, deep in my heart, to every word you wrote. To achieve my goals in 2014 I’ve just done like a “mind map”, with my goal in the center and all the ramifications that I need to pursue to help me get in the middle/goal. Im sure that your book will help me developt not only my financial side, but my artistic, professional and personal side as well. Thank you for being so generous and sharing your experience and your beliefs! See you soon!

  64. meg says:

    After attending th MMI last november my attitude quiet changed for the better because realising that bad habits will bring me no where. I thought that stocks was something only for technical left brain people but after attending investment mastery options to passive income is open if you believe you can do it. and yes I can do it. Focus on my goals and practise what you teach Harve. Financial life changing!

  65. betty qi says:

    Thanks Harv. I have few goals for 2014
    1. open one to two Franchise sandwiches shop
    2. finish my new hotel project
    3. read 10-15 hospitality management and franchise related books
    4. lose 10-15bl weights and make me more healthier
    I convince I can do it, I start to do a positive action.
    Mr Harv, your suggestion is very helpful. Thank you

  66. Rachid B. says:

    Thanks again for this reminder Mr Eker. I’m having a great start this year by attending the MMI for the first time in less than a week!! yessssss, I took the pre-training assignment. As of my list of SMART goals, they have been written, printed and posted where I can see them, at home, and office. I assure you that I will make the year the BEST of the best…I’m stretching my self to the edge to achieve 85% of my list. I took a few programs offered by the models and great speakers… Brian Tracy, bob Proctor, Anthony Robin, Jack canfield and Mr Eker!! I will make my goals happen… Happy successful year everyone. 🙂

  67. Although my highest goal may come in two or three years, I´m committed for this 2014 in achieving smaller goals … and work on my patience by the way 🙂 Thank you for your teachings!

  68. Brad Warren says:

    Hi, Harv and others! In addition to the goals I write out for myself every year in 7 different categories, I’ve added a whole new layer to the goal writing, and that is to have some goals about how to be rather than just what I’m going to do. For example, be more respectful of my wife, be bolder in making requests (especially around asking for higher fees), be more diligent before making an investment, etc. After all, we’re not called human doings, we’re human beings! So my focus for 2014 is to include more on the being side. I’ll let you know how it turns out at the end of the year.

    1. Keith says:

      I am sure that you will be setting yourself up to success into your entire future. Keep that one top of mind.

  69. Kevin says:

    What are some examples of inspiring business goals. I am trying to clarify my goals.

  70. Laurie says:

    This spoke to me because I was having having a hard time losing my 4 pounds a week and so I had to make the goal more achievable otherwise I was feeling like a loser. I broke it down and started with 1 pound from Monday to Friday and then 1 pound from Friday to Monday. Even if I lose only one pound for the week I made a goal and if I lost 1 pound for the next 10 weeks I’m on my way.

  71. Hanna Klus says:

    Dear Harv,

    thank you so much from my heard to you for all the advices. Your life saving courses help me every day. This year I will increase my monthly income and tripple it. I work in sales. Meanwhile I also study the bible and your courses go along with the bible. God bless you . Love Hanna+

  72. Tyler Basu says:

    Great post! I personally think that the New Year is an excellent time to set the big goals for the year, but even more important than is having some sort of system to ensure you follow through. I like to break down the big goals into monthly, weekly, and even daily activities that I know I must do consistently. I track my activities every week on a printed out spreadsheet, and give myself a score at the end of each week. This simple habit has had profound effects on my productivity, and it is exciting to see momentum occur as a result of my consistency and personal accountability.

  73. Indejit Jassme says:

    Dea Sir
    I’m inderjit jassme from india punjab.
    I had read your Great book ‘The Secret of millionaire mind’
    This book help me alot to Chang my mind set, my thinking pattern, my action’s & ofcourse Change my result.
    I am very thank full to you for your Book

    Sir when are you coming India you must come @ my place we welcome to you in India
    Thanks a lot.

  74. My plan to make 2014 the most successful year of my life is to retire from my corporate career as an Information Technology Security Analyst. I was taught to go to school, get good grades, go to college, get a job and retire…I have very specific financial, health, spiritual, family and business goals. 2014 is going to be one of the best years ever!

  75. Thank you Harv….it’s been a long time…I’m still motivated by you sharing your families African Safari pictures…how is your family? I wanted to add something…to remember that there is no such thing as time management. There is truly only TASK MANAGEMENT. We all have the same 24 hours per day. Don’t think of time management think TASK MANAGEMENT. Peace.

  76. Simão says:

    I´ve made an assessment of where I am in my life and business, set a comprehensive list of goals that touch all areas of my business, physical, financial, spiritual, educational self and checked in with my ROR coach, letting her know what the plan for the 1st 3 months of the year are. Then, reassess and correct trajectory for the 2nd quarter, do the same for the 3rd, 4th, leading up to the full year and completion of my set goals. And give myself an accountability daily partner who is on the same journey. Let 2014 be my best yet!!

  77. Garry says:

    I’ve broken down my recruiting to just 2 per month to achieve my target. I’ve done 3 before, ‘though not consistently. Consistent recruiting is key to $100,000 by 2015.

  78. Leslie Carretti says:

    Working on your goals. I do agree with you that they have to be written and measuralble and bite size. Some times I write them down and then don’t look at them again. You just reminded me that I have to keep them present. Thanks for the push in the right direction.

  79. Greg Standen says:

    2014 had such big plans! Business breakfasts, web portal as well as our usual service that can be found on our website then suddenly life happened! Personal illness and family illness, funerals, long trips several times a week and a sudden influx of esquires for work. Beginning to think i have aimed way too high.

  80. irenethien says:

    after attended 3 day courses. i reduce unnecessary shopping. lower my credit card limit. give monthly allowance to nephews. guide them separate into different catergory. for investment totally no idea.

  81. Louis says:

    Thanks for a good article.
    I’ve just started blogging recently. My goals are:
    1. to get some traffic and build my list to a 1000 people by 30 Jun
    2. put out a newsletter 2 x p.w. for the whole year
    3. create an online membership site with amazing information by 31 Aug
    I love this online world! I’m from Jeffreys Bay, South Africa. I saw you had a good time in SA recently. Fantastic! Hope you’re back soon.

  82. José Sebastião Silva says:

    Oi Harv,
    gostei muito de seus conselhos para nossos propósitos de Ano Novo.
    Meu propósito para 2014 era sair da cidade grande com um
    milhão de habitante e vir morar com minha irmã que ha muito tempo eu não via numa cidade pequena com 30 mil
    apenas. Sair do estresse e reduzir o custo de vida.
    Meu projeto financeiro é estável, 2 fontes de renda passiva e sou aposentado. Meu projeto de saúde é manter os 5 rituais da fonte da juventude de Peter Kelder, e seguir firme na fé em Deus e usar com sabedoria o meu tempo.

  83. Leandro Fernandes Conceição says:

    Harv Thanks for the advice, I read your book last month and I am already putting into practice the lessons learned. I am a dentist and work in a clinic from a friend 8 years, my wife is a doctor dermatologist, formed 10 years, also works for a friend. Our goals this year are: set up our own clinics, providing excellent work for our patients, increase our equity, and thus securing our financial freedom in a future not too far away.
    Leandro Fernandez-country Brazil, Sao paulo state

  84. Roxanne says:

    Hi Harv,

    I really wish you were here to help me on my path. So I did goals in 2014 and now in May, I’ve read this lesson. Why? for a not so gentle reminder. I’ve somehow found myself in the Wilderness wondering how did I get here and how do I get out. My finances are negative like never before, my faith in me is at an all time low and my business is stuck at start, no growth, no momentum so I thought I would come back to the beginning. I’ve read and I realized that the goals I set werent really realistic…I just thought they were. Everytime I keep moving forward enthusiastically, something rocks me over, slips away or caves in to unglue what I’ve done. Am I the only one like this? So today, May 25, 2014 I’m starting again. I recognize where I am today and this time I’m setting weekly mini-goals to get me to my BIG goal of being a female version of T. Harv Eker. I’m investing in me (reading the books, finessing my public speaking skills) and above all with my mini-goals I am taking action each day. I call it my dream dare. I dare me to dream it and live it. Thanks for these monthly reminders…not just for the month but a reminder whenever I need it

  85. Henry Bradley says:

    2014 goals met so far was get my credit up over 700 and now at 714, 2 which let me pick up new Ford F150 pick up truck at 1.9 per cent interest. working toward finance freedom by June 2016. By helping Lot’s of people solve lot’s of problem’s!

  86. Jennifer Garraway says:

    My immediate goal is to practice using the 6 jars system that I learnt over the weekend, though I have created 7 jars for myself. On the first day, I started separating £5 into the 7 jars…YIPI! Great achievement already! Second day, I have separated coins lying around in the piggy banks and on desks and put them into the 7 jars. On Friday I have an appointment with the bank to separate my account accordingly. The best system I have learnt so far in guiding me towards financial freedom. (Intended goal) DON’T TOUCH the FFA unless I want to invest! Now, this is my ultimate goal for the rest of this year.

    My other goal is to transform my mindset. Therefore, I am getting used to practicing to repeat to myself that ‘I AM A MONEY MAGNET! THANK YOU ! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! And my song, as well as My two declarations! I realise that doing this is really putting a smile on my face and is building my confidence a great deal.

    – My daily lessons are motivating me! I am looking forward to the next lesson tomorrow!

  87. Илья says:

    поставил план до конца года выйти на 1000000$ в год. Буду добиваться этой цели.

  88. Kevin says:

    Hello Harv

    I have just started working with your program and I have already been setting my goals in place to make them very achievable through, work and my family lives since late 2014 and found things can be achieved through much hard work and anticipation though things may get tough I continue to look at the positive outcome. I look forward to reading the material you have to offer.

  89. David Alejandro Melgar says:

    I think I got late to this (given that we are talking bout 2014 haha) but my goals for this 2016 are:
    -Getting a closer relationship with God.
    -Graduate from College
    -and now that I’ve read this book, getting myself prepared for success and money income! And obviously stay thankful and positive with every thing life throws in!

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