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How To Be Happy And Enjoy The Ride To Success

My experience is that in traveling the world, especially in India, especially living in America, and especially being a fairly well-off person, I get to see the rich side, the poor side; all sides.

Rich or poor, regardless of nationality or ethnicity, there’s dissatisfaction everywhere. The world can give us an infinite variety of ways in which to convince us not to be happy.

More often than not, though, people make themselves dissatisfied, and this is because people have a tendency to think that if you’re satisfied, given all the reasons in the world and in our personal and financial lives not to be satisfied, then something must be wrong with you. It means you’re either asleep at the wheel, a slacker, or just downright unmotivated.

Society tells us to think that you should never be satisfied to just exist where you’re at, especially if you’re not doing so well when it comes to money.

I’m here to tell you, though, that it doesn’t matter how poor, or lonely, or entrapped, or whatever you are that you’re not happy with at the moment. If you can’t be satisfied with your station in life now, you never will be.

I’ve heard people in my classes go, “Wait a minute, Harv! You teach on success, and if someone is satisfied with the level that they are at then they’re not going to go for more.” Well, no, that’s not quite what I’m saying, so let’s separate those pieces for a second: the idea of satisfaction, and the motivation to strive for more.

In other words, we have been taught that the only way to succeed is to be dissatisfied, and on some level that seems to make sense because there are two primary motivators: pleasure and pain. With enough pain, you’ll be motivated, right? Under that paradigm, you should be dissatisfied, because if you are satisfied, you’ll never amount to anything, so you’ll never achieve more.

That is the philosophy of our culture. Dissatisfaction leads to motivation leads to action leads to success.

I want to let you know, or remind you, that that philosophy might work for success, but it will not work for happy success. You will not be happy along the journey towards that result.

What if that result, say, making a million dollars, takes 5, 10, or 20 years?

You’ve made your $1 million…great! You look at your moneybag and go, “Oh, I am so happy! I’m a millionaire! This was my goal, and I’ve achieved it! Yay! Let’s have a party!”

You have your party, but what happens two weeks later, though? Reality sets in. Actually, not much has really changed at all other than the fact that you have a bigger bank account and can afford a few more things. I mean, what’s a million dollars these days, anyway?

Look, when I got my first million, I thought I was going to buy a gorgeous home. But then you have to think about savings, investments, putting kids through school, helping your parents with their stuff. You start looking at houses with $300,000 or $400,000 down, and then there’s still a big mortgage. Now you’ve got to earn a bunch more money, yes? Maybe $3 million, or $4 million, or $5 million might do it.

So, under this philosophy of success, let’s be dissatisfied again! Let’s lose our happiness over that first million, and let’s go for that $5 million which might take another 5 or 10 or 20 years.

Can you see what a crappy strategy this is for happiness? Is there another option here?

What if you weren’t motivated by dissatisfaction? What if you were motivated by progress? What if you were motivated by passion instead of dissatisfaction and pain?

In other words, what if you were fully satisfied right now?

Maybe it’s time to change the definition of happiness/satisfaction from laughter, fun, excitement, achievement and such; all those things that we deem as “happy.” I want to change that to something that we can conceivably, realistically attain at least most of the time.

That definition is contentment.

You don’t have to be thrilled every minute to be happy. You just have to be able to say, “I am content, right this second, right this moment.” In other words, it’s all about being harmonious with the present moment.

That doesn’t mean being satisfied with an intolerable situation. It means knowing that despite tough situations you have the confidence in yourself and in the universe that this too shall pass, and that you will find ways to overcome that which does stand in the way of your success.

It means taking a balanced approach to life. You take it all in as it comes–the good, the bad, and the ugly–so that you can find joy and possibility in all that life gives us in every moment.

Can you do that? Are you doing that?

Let us know what you think…we want to hear from you!


On June 16th we held an ENCORE of our new class, Passion, Purpose And Profits. I really believe this information can transform your life, so I have decided to host the replay of this ENCORE class for anyone who missed it.

Click here to watch it now

For Your Freedom,


Join the Discussion Below

48 thoughts on “How To Be Happy And Enjoy The Ride To Success”

  1. Joe Freeman says:

    I think there is true value in seeking improvement and living up to your self perceived true potential no matter what you are trying to achieve. And that there is equal value in feeling gratitude for the lifestyle and achievements you have currently achieved up to this point. Feeling good about yourself and confident in your own values and abilities can give you the edge you need to move to the next level while embracing the individual you are today. – Quite simply love thy self and always grow in your journey.

  2. Yes! I’ve seen this both ways too. It’s important to see contentment not as being asleep at the wheel, a slacker, or just downright unmotivated. Instead it’s about gratitude and seeing happiness for what it really is: Knowing that you made today count!

  3. Barbara says:

    Hi Harv This is a good theory but I think it is too simplistic Almost a cliche Be content with your lot in life? What about just being honest with yourself about your lot in life and your feelings, content or not, about it? Being content sounds more like resigning yourself to the situation Not feeling content is a message to yourself and you can decipher it and determine what it is really telling you

    1. Christina says:

      Barbara, how can you say that “to be content with yourself” is simplistic, when you sound completely dissastified with yourself when you are saying it! Your honesty might not be my honesty. I believe that the word “content” is perfect, because it is personal. I don’t agree that to be content with myself necessarily sounds like resigning myself. Do you have any idea what it means to resign yourself in the first place place, or how it sounds like?

    2. Mariepaule Haszelbach says:

      Hello, there: I live near twin cities..walking in those or in the mall looking at the people, I see sour and angry faces..dissatifaction. no laughter, no smiles, no singing or whistling a tune..just P..Off folks. Most of them broke, and generally miserable. Sooo. if you want to do broke, at least cultivate content and love of self. Who wants to be around sour and pissy?
      And, as T. Harv Eker puts, wealth helps! Self and others.
      If all you can think about is where your next meal or gas for the car is coming from, your spirituality is on a way back burner. no good. And sooner or later you will end up see above 🙂 and you wil lack the hope to pick yourself up again. Unless you are lucky and come across help like from awesome souls like T. Harv>
      Radiance and brilliance to you. mariepaule

  4. Matheus says:

    Wake up receiving this e mail really changed my day! Awesome article, as all others, ispire de again! Thank you I’m happy in this moment and I always will be

  5. Lisa Stumpfoll says:

    thanks for the discussion last night. I took notes on the download I printed. I know my passion. I have a vision that is still spinning a bit but know where it lies at least. I need an action plan that I can achieve without paying thousands of dollars to do. I will research others doing similar things like you said and work from there. I am well respected in my industry just need to move out of corporate so I may achieved my goals instead of feeding the corp. dogs. I believe in the field I am in just not the path I am on right now. thanks for all you do Harv. Blessings

  6. Ernesto Reyes says:

    Great comment, thanks. Even if some situation bothers, when you look at it from a fun point of view, great ideas to turn around that, come to your mind and the solution apears faster. Well, that happens to me.

  7. Kathryn says:

    Love this blog! So true! Thank you Harv!

  8. monica says:

    Such encouragement and right out of the Good Book! Yes contentment is a state of mind! I thoroughly enjoy your mind set and I share the same. This contentment and faith in the future for better things to come has kept me going through many adversities! I am growing daily and looking forward to many more successes! Always a pleasure to read your blogs! Thank you for your webinar on Passion, Purpose and Profits! Was such a confirmation to me and gave me such clarity! Thank you and appreciate your voice in my life!

  9. Natalia says:

    At 1st I was actually quite satisfied with the “dissatisfaction-motivation-action-success” formula before I went on reading. It all makes sense and is quite close to the social culture and the willingness to complain or finger-point at others, situations, politicians or destiny.
    But when I think deeper, that scheme would mean that in order to achieve whatever MORE than we have, are or feel, we should be in a state of permanent unhappiness.
    We CANNOT be and give the best of us if we are in that low state of mind. We cannot be productive in what we do or think about solutions, improvements or new stuff if we are focused on being unhappy, unsatisfied, if we blame others or situations, or if we openly accept bad and negative stuff to poison our mind and action.

    Thanks for the point of view! Greetings!

  10. Kama says:

    Hi Harv,
    Just thinking about being content and about winter season…. Well I have 17.68 dollars of everything today and my kids went to school with marshmallows for lunch so it really is winter for me now but I am happy and content because I know it will pass and tomorrow I will forget that I was hungry. I have a roof over my head, I have a car and some gas left in it, I have a healthy good looking family and we grow every day slowly but surely. And the best thing I am completely broke yet I will be attending your seminar Zero to Multimillionaire. I am perfect and my financial goal is yet to come. Thank you Harv.

    1. Michele Maddox says:

      Barbara, I believe you misunderstood Harv’s point. Imagine that one can be deeply grateful for where you are in life while holding a magnificent vision for what you want to achieve and experience. One can be both content, filled with gratitude and aspiring to dreams and aspirations all at the same time. With this perspective and feeling, all things become possible. Harv knows what he’s talking about and I embrace his message fully!

    2. Michele Maddox says:

      Kama, God Bless You! You have the heart of a warrior woman, a powerful woman, who knows what it means to be grateful for what you have. Gratitude is the key to everything. This does not mean resignation in anyway. Kama I am a Laws of Attraction coach. You may or may not know the energetic power of what you believe and feel. Add to it a compelling vision for what you desire – only the biggest, most exciting vision that brings you passion. Think about it daily. Invite the kids to join you in this. You will shift the experience of your life thus far to one of abundance and joy. If I could hug you, I would! Your children are blessed to have you! Michele

  11. Agnieszka says:

    I loved this lesson. It came to me in other words from Abraham (Esther Hicks) and Osho meditation and now from you, Harv and it…finally clicked 🙂 I felt so good and content immediately.
    I love simplicity and practical side of your lessons, thank you.
    I work in a corpo, dreaming of being finacially free and able to focus on my music, but after many years of struggle, I did not succeed, I have little time for music being busy with making money for living. But I have some time and I’m healthy and… content :0 and I signed in to your tomorrow’s webinar.

  12. Drè says:

    I’ve recently learned that you have to respect the process and love the journey! Even though the road to success will never look like the picture you invisioned, it’s imperative to love the journey getting there and have fun and smile everyday!

    What you focus on expands right? Happiness and positivity attracts faster than complaining and dissatisfaction.

    1. Michele Maddox says:


  13. donna rader says:

    loved your philosophy. I have always gone after my passion and to learn more to help more people. I have found the universe provides in this way. Thank you Harve for your wisdom and experience on this and all your insights!

  14. Very important. Thanks Harv!

  15. Rodrigo Bassi says:

    I loved this article because it emphasizes that the first thing is to be well here and now. In my case, I have always been spiritual seeker and therefore forgot and neglected the material aspects and today I find simpre cornered by the monthly bills, especially because I have not been able to find a job in this world that has to do with my passion. This article gives me confidence in Harv, I think we’re tuned.
    I congratulate you because even being a millionaire, you have not forgotten the feelings of broken and strived people.

  16. Brenda says:

    Thanks for the awakening, Harv. I work in the DC metropolitan area and the hustle and bustle of the average workday leaves me stressed out, drained, and tired because my day starts and ends like the cartoon “Dagwood” – running out the door to a job I don’t love, competing to get a seat on the bus then completing to get a seat on the train then rushing to get to the building, then rushing to complete assignments because higher ups didn’t plan well enough to get assignments to us (the staff) in a timely fashion.

    I am going to just breathe, relax and let these people compete. I only need to compete with myself anyway. My job will be to find contentment as I move from one step to another with my goal merely being to reach my higher self. 🙂

  17. Alice says:

    Yes, I totally agree with you, Harv! Happiness is not about how much we have achieved in the past, nor about how many things we need to do in the future or how hard they are. It is about being content with how we act and what we do today. Thank you for your wonderful article!

  18. Great article, Harv. I have been learning that when we pursue our dreams, there is a tendency to feel dissatisfied in the process of going after them. One of the ideas I found useful is to hold your vision of how you would like it to be, along with being grateful for all the thing you appreciate in your current existence. Somehow the combination moves us toward that which we desire and allows us to enjoy it at the same time. The journey does become the joy – and allows us to embrace the next dream that inevitably appears when we achieve the first one.

  19. Leo says:

    Your lessons have made such a difference in my life Harv. I really appreciate how much value you share. Definitely making the world a better place. Thank you for your focus.
    God bless you Harv.

  20. Steven Christie says:

    Harv – I am doing that, pretty well while I seek for some new line of work that I have real passion for. But the thing is that I’ve been in a work situation that I know I want to expand for quite awhile because I haven’t determined my passion yet. Is there a danger of losing the line between contentment and complacency ?

  21. Alasha Williams says:

    I am beginning this journey at a low point in my life – the darkest hour is just before. God Bless All, especially Harv! Amazing.

  22. Ajith Kumara says:

    Well Harv, your point of view about Life is correct. Contentment is a Bliss! Thank you.

  23. Lina says:

    Oh Harv,, what an inspiration you are.!!! You are a voice to those who are not informed about how life can be enjoyed to the fullest. Thank you so much for your awakening words to those who’s mind is still sleeping. Keep doing your amazing job and touching so many people in a positive way. I am very grateful for your words of wisdom…always willing to learn something new from your lessons..Contentment!!! Yes!!
    God Bless you!!xx

  24. Amy says:

    Wonderful Harv! I love these thoughts. I’m a firm believer in contentment/gratitude/mindfulness!

  25. Christina says:

    Harv, I think this article clarifies the issue of satisfaction. Thank you for your wise lessons

  26. Martin says:

    Maybe it is about finding the jo(urne)y – the joy in the journey?!

  27. Sandra says:

    I’m completely agree with your philosophy Harv! I have learning by my own experience how to live the present moment, no matter what’s happening, but if you’re having challenges in your life, you can face them with a better attitude and find better solutions only if you focus in the good things you already have and if you have the faith that things going to pass anyway.
    I’m learning about the power of now, and is amazing how you can see the live and situations that always we’ll have with a better perspective, you feel pace and allow to enjoy the life and go for your goals with contentment!

  28. Jack says:

    Hi Harv
    Thanks for this informative post. I agree that we need be take a break from desiring more all the time and just spend some time appreciating what we have. We can all breath air and if you’re not in jail you have freedom to do many activities.
    If you are in good health that alone is enough to be very content.
    Thanks for this blog ang giving us a chance to express.

  29. David Mary says:

    Wow, am so motivated by this. thank you so much T. Harv Eker, am so privileged to have read this. God bless you and enrich you with more wisdom.

  30. Steve says:

    agree one has to be content but more so we need to be happiness itself. Your mind becomes clearer and you are able to focus have clarity and thus think with a clear mind. It’s important to seek happiness but easier to be happiness itself. I may not be able to change yesterday but by living in contentment today will make every tomorrow worth looking forward to. Have a Blessed day and thank you for the article.

  31. Dan says:

    WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Harv, you have put it in simple and direct fashion.
    I must be happy right where I am. Like you say if you are generous right now you will be even more when you are financially successful.

    I have been beating myself up because I have been failing financially because I have not yet found a way to capitalize on my passion.

    I look forward to the journey.

    Thank you once again.

  32. Dorothy Joan Male says:

    How beautiful! I have always struggled with guilt because I feel and have deep contentment. I could never really put it all in perspective before. I am motivated to continue to grow and live each moment to its fullest. Thank you for the clarification.

  33. Celeste Oakland says:

    You’re reminded me of Charles Dickens quote I memorized as a child simply because it made me feel good: “Cheerfulness and contentment are great beautifiers and preservers of good looks.” Thank you!

  34. Patrick Clark says:

    Thank you for a wonderful lesson.

  35. Lavinia Schlebusch says:

    Finally, someone is saying what I have been ruminating on for years now. I am not an American and so that idea enshrined in the Constitution that Americans should have the RIGHT to pursue HAPPINESS always struck me as a bit of a tall order for an entire nation.
    Happiness seems so giddy and irreverent as an emotion to strive for, whereas contentment seems somehow to be more balanced and has far more of a sustainable feel to it.

  36. Aniko says:

    Yes.. approach is the most important thing I think.. to people, to the things..
    The most essential part for me in this thread of Harv is:
    “..knowing that despite tough situations you have the confidence in yourself and in the universe that this too shall pass, and that you will find ways to overcome…”
    I think I live like this for about twoo years. And I’ve lived in a situation for a longer time, not feeling and being successfull in some important fields. (it has the reasons as everything) And as they are more, not just one field, it has not been easy to fix them.. (now I know, I have to concentrate at one thing at one time, and I think this will also lead to success).
    But what I want to say now, that before the two years, so two years ago and the couple of years before I spent the time with fear and trying to find out how not to have fear, and doing exercises may help. It was not very much fun, but it’s an other question.
    The thing is now, people might think, I am still not very successfull, but I think I am, because I know I will be.. And because I do have more or less, and rather more, that kind of contentment.
    And yes, I agree, this is really what we need, because for all the other goals we all have the motivation within and will search for the solutions and helps to realization.
    How did this feeling come for me? From many things I think, from intention, from helps around, some alternative therapies, steps in self improvement, from good thoughts, articles, webinars.. all things I learned, I received encouragement from.. even including the author of this article too.. And now many times I realize, I am happy, just happy.. for what.. when I still don’t have a bigger appartment, I didn’t get (yet) much wealthier.. in fact still didn’t have the relationship with the right one as I wish to, in fact I am not occupied with my dream job… and still.. because now I know I will and because I can notice all the things around me what is nice and good, and in myself too..
    and really hope that the Universe will bring it for me.. and I will continue working on it, those things I still wish to have and feel.
    And of course and luckily there are also fields where I have successes and good results as well. : )

  37. Amy says:

    YES!!! 😀 hahaha Yes, I am grateful & happy in every moment, and my joy comes with me no matter which aspect of life I’m involved in. Also, I think it helps when we do not say we “want” (for) something; I, instead, use the word, “Prefer” — because we must acknowledge we are frateful and not in want of a thing..and that our preference would be to enjoy “more of the thing” : ) **My only challenge is disciplining myself and being joyed with myself no matter what my discipline or productivity levels are on a given day; that self acceptance of not already being further ahead. So, I work on that aspect of self love, and try to morph it into being a really good cheerleader for myself no matter what.** So, yes, YAY for having the happy & joy “in the now.” This is good! So, why wouldn’t everything else be? Cheers!

  38. Rockrys says:

    I deeply think here that Mr Harv if giving us a life lesson and I’m really gaining from it.
    I think that the culminant point in this lesson is about the power of the motivating factor we use to reach our goals. We all know that to reach one’s goal we need a strong motivational factor. But the truth is that the primary factor mostly used by lot of people is dissatisfaction. And being motivated by dissatisfaction will only help achieve half of the road to a check point who wouldn’t last long before finding another point of dissatisfaction. But the strongest factor to be used here is the thirst for success and achievement. When someone takes as a challenge to succeed not by need but by duty, he is really above the power of dissatisfaction who can manifest in eventual failures. So, what I really gain here is that someone should learn to see him or herself uncommon to make success a duty, by doing that, no matter the failure on the way, you remain focused because of the deep inner conviction: I MUST SUCCEED, FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION OR A LIMITATION…. IT’S JUST A MILESTONE TO SUCCESS !!!

  39. Uncle Sam says:

    I agree hundred percent

  40. Srikanth says:

    Dear harv.
    My wishes to all for INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY “21st June, 2016”. Yoga means the BALANCE between “BODY –MIND-SOUL” . This is what TRINANGEL REPRESENT.
    I could easily sense, that the bottom line is “BALANCE”. This is what Krishna tells to arjunas question in the Bagavad Geetha… Krishna tell me, What is the highest attainment in ones lives.. Krishna says, Dear arjuna my friend.. I think that the greatest attainment is “Minds Sitha Prajna” i.e. “Thought Balance in the Mind” and It is Mind which is responsible for both happiness and Joy and also for the Attachement and Libration “ BANDHA (ATTACHEMENT) AND MOKSHA(LIBRATION)” . So always be in balance in any sitituion, so that you can perform right action which leads to great results.

    So harv.. thanks for your positive message , BEGING NOW is the greatest order irrespective of the country, colour, caste, creed, currency etc…

  41. Mariana Pamplona says:

    Harv . Amei muito seu livro, acabei de ler todo e sei que minha vida vai mudar a partir de agora e em breve lhe enviarei um email ccom minha história. Parabéns, você é fantástico….

  42. Maureen Gan says:

    missing the june web recording session by T. Harv, I put in 1.5 hours this morning to listen and read the lesson.

    I have also included the book “secrets to millionaire mind” into my reading list and will buy either online or from a local book store in Singapore.

    Being a self-motivated person, I am put into roles to lead. With prospects, clients and team members, it means passion in the daily business development, project management. To energise, solve problems and spur on others.

    Giving time, talents, sharing knowledge and adding value is living the purpose for the businesses communities.

    looking for profitable partnerships and opportunities keep me going.

    a combination of public trainings, classes help to train new managers

    Singapore swimmer joseph schooling scored a Olympic gold medal and it brought immense joy. I am satisfied that the boy has inspired others.

    his role model is Michael phelps

  43. Bonus says:

    That is so very true… If you can’t be happy with what you have now, you will never be happy. Today I asked my friend to make a list of what she is happy about now. She is not able to write it….

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